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I would like to pay with Venmo or CashApp. What do I do?If paying with Venmo: Send payment to @ACLACL on Venmo. Be sure to include the Package(s) you are purchasing, as well as the email address you want the plays sent to. If paying with CashApp: Send payment to $LCA1515 on CashApp. Be sure to include the Package(s) you are purchasing, as well as the email address you want the plays sent to. If you'd like to follow-up to confirm, you can DM us on Twitter, or via e-mail at
How will I receive the picks?Picks will be sent directly to your email. If you are paying via PayPal, the email address associated with your PayPal will be the one where the picks are sent. If you would like to use a different email instead of your PayPal one, no problem. Just send an email to ACL@TheRealMrACL and we will update that for you. If paying with Venmo or CashApp, just be sure to include the email address you would like the picks sent to in the notes of your payment.
Are you available to answer questions once I purchase a package?Yes! Interacting with our clients is one of the best parts of what we do. Any questions that you have, please let us know. The easiest way to get in touch is through Direct Message on either Twitter or Instagram.
How do the Package subscriptions work?For the Packages that are 30 days (i.e. Hockey or Basketball), your subscription begins on the first day you receive picks, and ends 30 calendar days later. However, if there are days in between where there are no games or plays, then those days DO NOT count toward your 30 days. In other words, you will always receive 30 total days of plays. On packages that are 4 weeks packages (i.e. Football), you will receive 4 of each day. So, 4 Thursdays, 4 Fridays, 4 Saturdays, 4 Sundays, 4 Mondays etc.
What is the name of your Podcast?The ACL Sports Betting Podcast. You can find it by searching “ACL POD” wherever you listen to your Podcasts. It is available across all Podcast platforms including Spotify, Itunes, and Apple Podcasts. A new episode comes out each week during the football season, as well as individual ones spread across the rest of the sports betting calendar once football season ends.
What if I want to advertise or work with you?Drop us a line anytime at or
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